Senior Art Director — UX/UI Designer

Life — just as it is

Mind App Startup Screen

Mind is a non-profit organization that works with mental health, spreading important knowledge, and supports people in crisis. Together with Mind, we created a unique discussion forum that supports and connects people who want to talk about the ups and downs in life - just as it is.


It is always crucial to understand your target audience and users. And in this project, it was more important than ever. A solid pre-study was required to understand how needs and behaviors can change depending on illnesses and moods to produce an open yet safe digital meeting place that guarantees the users' privacy.


In close collaboration with Mind, we analyzed how users in different situations would absorb, share and act on the website. With the help of reference groups, we ensured that user flows, functions, design, and tonality would work for the target groups.

With specially developed moderation functions, the forum admins get a good overview of the discussions and can ensure that Mind Forum is a safe place.

Usability Testing and Focus Group Interviews Prototyping Art Direction Website/Community App Design