Senior Art Director — UX/UI Designer

Ahead of financial crime

Trapets Logotype

Founded in 2000 in Sweden, Trapets has grown to be one of the Nordic market leaders, focusing solely on financial crime prevention through technology for decades. On the other hand, they are relatively unknown outside the Nordic market. To break into new markets, Trapets needed to tackle challenges such as high competition and low brand awareness in the new countries. The collaboration with KAN, therefore, resulted in creating a clearer brand and communication platform, a new visual identity, and a new website that better supports both Trapets' long-term and short-term goals.

A group of people at a meeting, smiling
Trapets billboard
Trapets stationary
Trapets logotype on a building wall
Trapets app icon on an iPad
A person with a tote bag with the tagline Ahead of financial crime
A person with a tote bag with the tagline Ahead of financial crime
Trapets brand and visual guidelines
Trapets Logo Symbol on red background
A 3D image of Trapets logotype
The silhouette of a man with a headset
Three posters on a wall
Two coworkers at Trapets talking to each other
A smartphone showing
A smiling woman in a meeting
Brand Audit Creative Direction Visual Identity and Concept Website and Digital Brand Book